5 Limiting Beliefs that hinder Productivity

Limiting Beliefs that hinder Productivity

Consciously or not, people develop limiting beliefs over time. These beliefs can be traditional, self-initiated, or a product of environmental factors.

Limiting beliefs are thoughts that people inherently accept to be true. It is a mindset that is fixated and has over time been conditioned to accept certain thoughts as the truth, which in the real sense are not so. These limiting beliefs do not allow flexibility, adventure, growth, and productivity.

Limiting beliefs have proven to damage leadership, reduce effectiveness and hinder productivity. If you must be an efficient and effective employer or employee, you may have to begin by thinking differently, allowing flexibility, and being open to exploring different approaches to get the desired and right results.

Let’s explore some limiting beliefs that will hinder your productivity if not checked.

“Learning is free”

Learning is costly. It will cost you time and even money. Google does not have all the answers. You might need to get tutelage on that course or skill from a colleague, mentor, or institution? You waste more time by limiting yourself to free, unverified sources of information or knowledge.

A practical and more pragmatic approach to being more productive is what you need. Register for that course today, get a mentor to understudy and guide you to the next level in your career. You must be willing to pay the price for the prize you want to acquire.

The purchasing power lies in your ability to ditch the belief that learning is free. You should make the right investment accordingly.

“I am too busy”

Being too busy does not automatically translate to productivity. You may have been applauded as someone who is never caught idle, but you may need to evaluate your busyness. Are you on top of your game? Is your priority checklist ticked? Are you more concerned about working on important tasks or urgent tasks? Do you meet your deadlines? Are you available to contribute and support your team?

It is a good thing to be busy. It is a motivating factor. However, you should not be too busy with the important things, especially as it relates to your client, team, employee, or employer. You might just lose some valuables if you do not strike a balance. It is up to you to make the right choice to create time or give more attention to fulfilling important commitments, first. Other things can wait or be delegated.

“Nobody can do it better than I”

When you start thinking you are indispensable, you just shot yourself in the leg. Everyone has different levels of competence and expertise, so your assumption may not always be true. Productivity is tied to your ability to work with people. Some people are so quiet and if you do not involve them, you will never know what they are capable of achieving.

This belief of nobody can do it better than I will only make you overly stressed and less productive, even though you are a valuable player. Delegation can foster teamwork. While your team may not be the best but they are good enough to take responsibility. Engaging them is a means of training and growing them. Trust others with some tasks and you will be amazed how much your synergy can deliver more effectively and efficiently.

“This is not good enough”

If you wait for the perfect condition to get things done, you may wait forever. Most times, the project does not have to be perfect, it just has to be right and complete, having paid attention to the details required.

If you spend all the time available to perfect your presentation, you may never finish it at the right time or submit it late, which may limit your chances. A better approach would be to do your best, give to another to review, work on the feedback and drop your pen.

If you have to wait for the best gadgets when your resources are limited, when you adopt an alternative option to fabricate a local model, that product may never be market-ready.

Remember, that idea does not have to be perfect before you share it, an investor may just be waiting to sponsor it because he believes in you. However, in most cases, we don’t need things to be perfect. We just need to complete them. Sure, we can fine-tune everything again and again, but don’t wait till it is all perfect.

“I can do it later”

This sounds cliché, right? Most times, it is the language of a procrastinator. “I will do it later”, backed up with a specific time is a better approach to getting things done at the right time.

Having a to-do list will be great assistance to help deal with this limiting belief that has stuck in your head. As important as it is to take regular breaks, do not ignore the amount of work you need to accomplish and take immediate actions as scheduled.

When unexpected things come up, create time to attend to them, but not at the expense of what’s more important. If you keep postponing tasks, your organizational skills are weak and need urgent attention, and you must be productive.

Limiting beliefs damage productivity and affects the entire work chain. To improve work performance, create better working relationships and have landmark wins, you must start by thrashing any limiting beliefs.

Got other limiting beliefs that must be broken? Drop them in the comment box.

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