Identifying Your Skill Set As An Employee

Identifying Your Skill Set As An Employee

If you’ve ever looked for a job, taken an interview question, or read up on the latest recruiter trends and salary expectations, then you have been exposed to some of the most widely acknowledged job search data points in the world. But what many candidates are not aware of is that all this information is useless if they don’t actually know their skill set. 

What is a Skill Set?

Having some skill set means you have a solid base knowledge of a certain skill or ability. And what is even more important, you can demonstrate that you possess that ability. But how do you pinpoint exactly what your skill set is? What if there are just too many to count?

The answer lies in the numbers and the process of elimination. When tallied up, most people can identify about 3-4 areas of expertise. Some may be more, and others will be less, but don’t worry about getting it perfect on your first try because an exact number doesn’t matter as much as actually being able to identify your key abilities and talents.

Skill set in employment is more of an innate ability, it’s more than just knowing how to do something perfectly. It is a combination of your natural sense of aptitude and your expression of a particular skill. If you can guess what the right answer is that makes you the most qualified for a certain job, then you are demonstrating the understanding and retention of that skill set.

This holds, especially in today’s market where companies are willing to pay top dollar for an individual with experience and talent in their fields. But even if your skillset doesn’t match up perfectly with what the company is seeking, there can still be many benefits from showcasing these areas in your resume because it shows employers that you are not on some “fringe” skillset.

Methods of Identifying Your Skill Set As An Employee

To develop your skill set as an employee, here are methods:

  • •Follow the news in your profession. This will keep you informed of trends and available opportunities.
  • •Reach out to those who are going places in your profession, such as alumni networks. They may be willing to help you in return for a favor down the road.
  • •Take on a project outside your comfort zone. If you’re a shy person, try volunteering at a community event where you’ll have to talk to people and make some small talk.
  • •Take a class in your field. If you’re not sure what to take, ask someone working in the field where they got their degree and how they found it.
  • •Identify the skill that’s holding you back professionally, and commit to fixing it. If there’s a skill you feel you should have, but don’t possess, such as public speaking or writing well, you can make that your goal for the year.
  • •Take on more responsibility outside of work. A project at work is just one way to advance your career; look for other ways to step up.
  • Find a mentor

How is Mentorship important to Skillset?

Mentors are people you can turn to for advice. A mentor will help you develop new skills and think about ways to improve your career. They may give you feedback on your work, offer advice on how to improve, or even offer to work with you on a project outside of their area of expertise.

Be proactive in seeking mentors. Learn everything you can about the field in which you are working and find someone who works there and who has experience in the same or related field.

Finding a mentor is easy if you take the time to call friends within your profession, students at your school, alumni from your college (alumni networks), and others as listed above, just to name a few options.

Factors to consider when Developing skills

When you ask anyone about skills, the answer is usually going to be something along the lines of “I have one or two.” The skill set is a term that implies that you have a large number of related skills under your belt. In this article, we’re breaking down what is a skill set master entails.

There are three things important to consider when determining whether or not you need to learn and develop new skills. These three things are frequency, salary, and scarcity of talent.

Frequency: The more often something is used in your work environment, the more likely it would be beneficial for you to learn how it works; frequency can also be based on the eventual amount spent on fulfilling those needs. 

Salary: The more money spent on a skill, the more valuable it is; this also depends on the frequency at which you’ll have to use it. 

Scarcity: If a skill is rare, it means that not enough people know how to use it and thus there isn’t enough demand for those who do. Most jobs involve some amount of combination of the three mentioned above.

What you choose to do with your new skills will be determined by these factors as well as your long-term goals in life and what you expect out of a job. Skills that are in high demand or are required by many employers will lead you towards higher wages and/or higher positions than other skills, making them worth investing in.

Examples of Set Skills

Some skills that can be developed are:

  • -Online shopping skills
  • -Financial skills
  • -Writing skills
  • -Drawing skills
  • -Presentation skills
  • -Computer programming skills
  • -Web design skills
  • -Computer skills
  • -Sports skills 
  • -IT Skills


This informational blog post has spoken largely to the value of skill sets in modern life. It has discussed how skill sets are increasingly becoming important and necessary for individuals to succeed both professionally and personally, especially when it comes down to supporting one’s family. The author wraps up by stating that this is the message they want their readers to carry with them, as well as a call to action for all people in society who should be implementing tactical skill set strategies into their own lives.

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    Fortune Ehiwayas is a prolific writer who loves arts and science fiction, converting her experiences into captivating content.

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