Like the popular phrase “If the mountain did not go to Muhammed, Muhammed will go to the mountain,” the same applies to finding a job. You’d have to create a space that can accommodate you and get paid for it. Sounds unusual, I know, right? Let me welcome you to a place where magic happens.
Street squad, how y’all doing? How’s life treating ya? A little birdie told me, you’ve brushed your CV, your shoe shine, your clothes well ironed and you’re ready to mount anytime. You were born ready.
Even Mike Tyson doesn’t come close. But you’re still jobless, there are limited job openings and the trend of this new era is, that having the right connection is the only qualification that gets you the job.
What if I said you can get the job without actually knowing anyone? Do you want to know? Then, don’t stop reading!
Connecting with recruiters? What does that mean? You don’t have to walk for endless kilometres hopping from company to company, asking for job vacancies. All you have to do is do a little research.
Yes! Your recruiters are out there. They need you, but just don’t know it yet. Let’s walk through the steps that will lessen the gap between you and your prospective employers.
How do you connect with them?
1. Conduct a research
The first agenda is to conduct holistic research. That’s the baseline which gives you a target. You know what you want, the type and nature of the job you’re interested in. So hop onto Google, safari or any Web browser of your choice and do a little stalking (the good kind).
Familiarise yourself with the company’s goal, how they operate, where they’re based, number of staff, salary range (if it’s online) and other information you deem necessary.
2. Cold email
Next, you’d want to reach out to them. This is where cold emailing comes in. We’re in a digital era where things are made easy, so don’t fail to utilise it. Mind you, a cold email is not an email that’s cold, cause you’re probably wondering how or when did emails get cold. I don’t know who gave it the name, it just defeats the whole purpose of the meaning.
Cold emails are personalised emails you send to people you’ve never met before. The email is meant to introduce yourself while keeping it short and crisp to make a connection. The good part is, it can be done on a large scale.
Emphasis should be laid more on having a purpose. Why are you contacting them? What can you offer? Is there a job position you’re vying for? These questions streamline the structure of the email.
A bonus would be to highlight the strengths, and weaknesses of the company, if any, and how you can help them better or resolve the problem. They’ll definitely know you did your research.
Send follow-up emails just for reminders. Your recruiters might have read your message and forgot to get back due to many reasons, so you’d have been on their neck, not literally though. Message them again, till you get a response.
Tip: Use a professional email when sending cold emails to increase the likelihood of your emails being read.
3. Utilise professional platforms
Professional social platforms such as LinkedIn should not be underestimated. Countless success stories from people who got jobs they didn’t apply for and got well paid for it. You could be the next lucky person to share your story.
LinkedIn is a space that puts both recruiters and applicants in one place, so be consistent, connect and interact with other professionals.
Finding recruiters can be a hassle and since you don’t know somebody who knows somebody, who knows somebody and so on, you’re stuck. But look on the bright side, you’re making an effort, just exercise patience, and persevere and one day you’ll hit the jackpot. Until then…
Best of luck!
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